Grace Industries LLC performed work on NYSDOT contract D263860, Walt Whitman Road over I-495 Bridge Replacement and Widening, Town of Huntington. The scope of work included substructure repair and replacement, demolition of the existing bridge structure to make way for a widened bridge with an additional turn and through lane. Additionally, modifications were made to the I-495 North and South Services roads. The Grace team performed and oversaw the steel erection, pile driving, concrete placement, asphalt paving, utility relocation, directional drilling and new drainage system installation.
Construction of Stage One was complete and reopened to the traveling public on April 29, 2020. Several innovations were utilized during Stage One construction, including a method of heating and curing on the bridge deck during the winter season by embedding heating coils in the bridge deck to radiate heat. Traditional heating and curing methods used during the winter season require a temporary structure to be built, enclosing the work area so that the surrounding air can be heated. This method can prove to be inefficient as much of the needed heat can escape through the thin enclosure walls. In addition to increasing process efficiency, the cost of this innovative method was a fraction of traditional methods and it decreased energy usage. Another process improvement was implemented when Grace utilized barges to carry steel girder beams for the project into New York through Inwood Material Terminal, lowering the use of traditional trucking transportation, ultimately reducing emissions in the heavily trafficked area.
Stage Two construction included three weeks of full nighttime closures on I-495 to allow for the safe erection of steel girders and the final restoration of pavement.
Affiliates Haugland Energy Group LLC and Eastern Utilities Services LLC performed as subcontractors on this project, providing electrical and utility work, and directional drilling services.