Highway and Airport Paving
As paving specialists, Grace Industries provides the most efficient way to extend the useful life of taxiways and runways.
From highway paving in upstate New York and Long Island, to rehabilitation of taxiway and runways at New York’s LaGuardia Airport, our highly trained team has the know-how to perform all mill & fill, mill & pave, and mix-in-place operations.
Grace is proficient in milling the existing pavement, repairing defective pavement, cleaning and filling joints and cracks, backing up of shoulders, repairing and updating drainage systems, paving with new asphalt, meeting all grading requirements, tying in driveways and side roads as needed, and restoring pavement markings.
While employing a fully unionized workforce, the Grace team has the ability to foresee any challenges that may arise. Whether identifying a need to work at night, MPT work, or clearing a work area for planes to take off and land, Grace’s team of professionals has the knowledge needed to accomplish the most complex paving projects on time and on budget.
Grace is currently performing the landslide roadway work for the new LaGuardia Airport under a long-term contract, and Grace affiliate, Haugland Energy Group is performing the AOA lighting system work at the PANYNJ facilities.