Seven Largest Suspension Bridges in the World

Long Island Contractor's Association went on-site with Grace Industries to observe the tasks involved with our project to improve the safety, mobility and environmental impact of a large section of Route 347 on Long Island, NY.
Long Island Contractor’s Association (LICA) recently went on-site with Grace Industries to observe the progress of our project on Route 347 (from Mt. Pleasant Road to Terry Road) in Smithtown, NY. The visit was detailed LICA’s website. Here is an excerpt form the article:
“As the winner of this best value project (valued at $39.2 million – inexpensive by blockbuster movie standards!) Grace is tasked with improving the safety, mobility and environmental impact of Rt. 347 from Mt. Pleasant Road to Terry Road in Smithtown. The journey includes the addition of a continuous third travel lane in each direction, improved collection and treatment of storm water runoff, and major intersection improvements, as well as a separate shared-use bike and pedestrian path and enhanced bus stops for transit riders. For a plot twist, they’re adding a ‘Green Stop’ complete with resting area, benches, shaded canopy, bike racks and more. Then there’s the all-important sound editing requirement – installation of sound walls on both the north and south sides of Rt. 347 to mitigate noise. Of course, what’s a movie without some ‘good looks’? No worries – phase 2 of this project delivers that too, calling for new solar LED lighting and handsome streetscape plantings, plus decorative center medians, pavement and pedestrian signal poles”
To read the full article, click here to visit LICA’s website.